Electronic Access

Premises Electronic Access Controls, Monitoring & area control

M4S Systems will Design a Specific Access Control, Access Recording & Area Control System based around a Detailed inspection of your Premises & Specific Risks.

We will Maintain, Service & Monitor your System to the requirements of EN & Irish Access Control Standards throughout its Lifetime.

Providing Professional Electronic Security & Surveillance Solutions to Commercial, Industrial & Domestic Clients.

Fire Detection

Intruder Detection

CCTV Surveillance

Electronic Access

Perimeter Detection


Contact Us

To speak with a security expert, Please contact us by phone +353 1 9081439 or fill-out the form below and one of our experts will contact you asap.

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Meta4security Limited. T/A: M4S Systems.
Phone: +353 1 9081439

P.S.A. Licence Number: 07817
Tax Registration Number: 3463430PH
C.R.O. Number: 599990

Registered & Trading Office Address:
Unit.6. Goodwins Industrial Estate.
12th Lock—Newcastle Road,
Lucan, Co.Dublin. Ireland.